How to overcome the depression after immigration to Canada

How to overcome the depression after immigration to Canada

Hi guys, hope you all have a great time with your family. My goal is to help new immigrants by sharing my experiences and knowledge. Don’t forget to subscribe to get the latest news and coupons.

Today, I wanna write about a topic that’s very important and it’s about how to deal with depression and anxiety after immigration. You know most of the immigrants experience these feelings cause feelings of loss or being worried about the future. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest and Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam or having a medical test or job interview. Some symptoms like thinking a lot about death and suicide, Most of the time restless and unable to sit still, anxious and worried about many things most of the time, angry a lot of the time, crying for no apparent reason, Not being able to concentrate or make decisions, …

There are some facts like approximately 5% of male youth and 12% of female youth, age 12 to 19, have experienced a major depressive episode. The total number of 12-19-year-olds in Canada at risk for developing depression is a staggering 3.2 million. Mental illness is increasingly threatening the lives of our children; with Canada’s youth suicide rate the third highest in the industrialized world.

What we can do:

  1. First of all, talk to your family doctor or a mental health professional about depression.
  2. Physical fitness is very important for people with depression.
  3. Diet is important so try to make healthy food and get vitamins and supplements.
  4. Go out for coffee with a friend and
  5. What I learned from my experiences is being positive and say no to negative thoughts and only you can do this; do not expect someone will come to make you happy. Try to be around people and do not lock away yourself from society, try to make friends and talk with people like I mentioned before in how you can find friends.
  6. Sleep well
  7. Watch motivational videos like this
  8. Check out these websites to get help or also, some Welcome Centres can help you to find a counsellor as well.

I hope I could help you with this post, if you like it subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news and coupons! I’d be glad if you leave me a comment and tell me about your experience and what did you do to get rid of the depression!

Photo by Sofia Alejandra from Pexels