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Should I divorce with 2 kids?

Should I divorce with 2 kids?

Hi guys, here is the story that Azita tells about her divorce that it has many points to learn from someone who experienced this situation.

” So what is a healthy divorce? Like it’s, it’s very, very, very difficult to answer because every couple they’re different every situation is different right. So for me it wasn’t that healthy, because my ex was one of those people or a person that was very controlling and me asking for a divorce, it was very hard for him to understand that, and even it’s been like 10 years, that we got Divorced still, we have, we don’t talk like we don’t have a good relationship, because I was the one asked for a divorce and I was the one always was blamed for the divorce, but the whole thing was for 10 years that we were together.

What made me decide to go for the divorce? It was like; I felt like I’m trapped and my voice. Nobody can hear my voice, my opinion doesn’t matter, and even there were signs at the beginning of it, but like because the kids were smaller. I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to break up the family because of the kids, but there were signs like he was always putting me down like there was no physical abuse, but I feel like mentally. He was always making me small and didn’t respect my profession, which is as a photographer as a creative person like that’s. That was part of me and he wasn’t accepting that and just it was so many different like challenges we had because he wasn’t respecting my opinions or you know my passion for photography and the marriage was kind of like breaking apart even like before We moved to Spain after three-four years. We were married, but I decided to stay at that time because the kids were like two and three years old, but when they got to seven and eight and like I can’t do this anymore, I know they’re gonna get hurt no matter what They’Re gonna get hurt kids if you stay they’re gonna get hurt because there are conflicts, and you know that’s not healthy, either to stay in a relationship with all these conflicts and arguments and stuff.

And then, when you get divorced, when you get separated, it’s going to hurt them too, but to me it was important. At least they grew up in a very peaceful environment in a calm environment instead of argument and like because it’s not healthy to live in that environment and it’s going to have so many side effects. So my advice is it’s. It depends on the situation but staying in a relationship in a marriage because of the kids. I don’t think that’s health”

I hope that helped you to know about the symptoms of divorce and do not be afraid of getting divorce and try to be independent.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels