How to make friends as a newcomer in Canada?

How to make friends as a newcomer in Canada?

Hi guys, I know one of the challenges for new immigrants is how to find friends. We moved to Canada 4 years ago and we found so many wonderful friends here; you know it’s been such a short time that we managed to find people that are close to us so quickly but that’s what happened and I’ll just tell you our story. My first friend was the landlord of the property that we rented for the first time in Richmond hill then I went to some classes and found my other friends there.

You should know that no one is sitting there waiting for you to join their lives when you move to another country or to another city so you have to be proactive and reach out to people and that’s exactly what I did. I want to encourage you to get out there and make connections if you are not one of those people that like people or you’re not very social, this is the time where you are going to have to step up. If you could move to Canada then you can find friends as well, it’s really important for you for your family and especially for your kids.

You can meet people in the gym or meeting the parents at the schools; also, there is another way is Park Run, you can search your area to see if there is a Park Run near you; everyone is welcome to experience Park Run along your walk, jog or run make a friend. Another way of meeting new people especially in your neighborhood is reaching to Welcome Centre or YMCA; you can find many helpful ideas for yourself and your family also you can meet people that have the same situation as you. There is a website called Meet up that you can find friends based on your interests and location.

Don’t forget to follow up with people and remind them that you still want to hang out and don’t get disappointed when you don’t feel like they want that closeness with you that’s normal you are new in their lives. Be sure that you will find somebody you can really get close with 🙂

Photo by fauxels from Pexels