Business Ideas
Start your own business- Home Baker

Start your own business- Home Baker

Hello, how are you doing? Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading this post. Today, I wanna write about the home baking business; I hope it would help you to start your own business!

First of all, I’d like to share some tips that you’d consider before starting:

  1. Research the cottage law in your state; it allows for individuals to sell hazardous foods without a license. Check out these links for Ontario laws

Health Protection and Promotion Act

Food Premises

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

  1. Choose a category for your baking like cookies, cupcakes, …. in this way you can focus more on what you wanna do and you’ll save money cause different types of items need different types of equipment
  2. Choose your audience cause it can help you to decide about your items’ prices like birthday cakes or wedding cakes, …
  3. Don’t forget to have a strong portfolio so take a picture of your works
  4. The social business account is really important to showcase your products
  5. Try to be creative and do something special

What equipments you need to start:(I chose high ranking tools at affordable prices)


Cake stand

Steel mixing bowls

Round cake pan

Round cake boards

Knife set

Silicone spatula

Measuring cups

Angled measuring cup

Oven mitts

To conclude, you can start with less than $1000 to prepare basic stuff for your own business. If you know how to cook let’s start but if you need to learn you can find many classes and workshops on YouTube, …

I hope I could help you with running your business in this field; also, I’d like to mention my knowledge is not complete and I’m just writing what I know.

Don’t forget to leave me a comment and let me know if you have further information or experience!

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels