Business Ideas
Start your own Business- Subscription Box

Start your own Business- Subscription Box

Hi, welcome back to my blog! Today, I wanna write about how you can have a subscription box business.

Subscription boxes are a recurring delivery of niche products as part of a marketing strategy and a method of product distribution. It’s a popular business cause you can predict your revenue and have an automated business.

There are two different types of Subscription Commerce:

  1. Convenience Commerce: Receiving the same products automatically on a repeat purchase basis.
  2. Discovery Commerce: Helps consumers discover and sample new products they might not have otherwise known about

There are 3 different ways for Subscription business box:

  • Curation: A service sends collections of new items for customers to sample and use.
  • Replenishment: A service sends consistent replacements of the same types of products.
  • Access: A service allows members to access perks and discounts on items.

What you need to do:

  1. Select a Niche market: It’s really important to find out something that you are passionate about that like fashion, beauty, organic food, Eco products, crafts, …
  2. Do research about your Competitors: Find your competitors and learn how they are doing their business or how they are successful in this niche then try to understand your customer needs better after that think about the ways you can be better than them. Don’t forget that creativity is what you need to be outstanding!
  3. Do research about your Product Supplier: You can find wholesalers like Alibaba, makers (hand made products) like Etsy, retailers like Costco
  4. Do research about the Packaging design, size, provider: You need to consider packaging types, digital printing, size, design, weight
  5. Do research about the Fulfillment Service process: Subscription fulfillment refers to the shipping of products from an e-commerce merchant to a customer on a regular, predetermined basis. You have 2 options like 1. in-house fulfillment which is cost-saving and you can control the quality 2. outsourced fulfillment which is easier with a cost
  6. Pricing: You need to consider the price that you pay each month to your providers and the cost of packaging and shipment. Your box must have a reasonable price with worthy items to attract the customers
  7. Do Branding: Be creative in choosing your business name, logo, and slogan. Try to choose something catchy.
  8. Launch your Website: Now everything is ready and you should showcase your box in a proper place so hire someone to design your website or do it by yourself!
  9. Market Your Subscription Box: You can use Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to be in touch with your customers and update them.
  10. Do not stop Researching: Never stop researching and repeat the 4 first steps to make sure you are in the right way

Tip: One of the place that you can share your boxes are Cratejoy if you want to sell your box here register here

I hope this post helped you to think about running your own business 🙂 Enjoy your day!

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